Source code for mli.lib.gbif_parser

#     This code is a part of program Manual Lichen identification
#     Copyright (C) 2022 contributors Manual Lichen identification
#     The full list is available at the link
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" The module provides a means to get information from a taxon, as specified
in gbif .

    gbif_get_id_from_gbif(sName, sLevel='species')
    gbif_get_id(oConnector, sName, sLevelEn)
    gbif_get_many(sURL, sGBIF_id)
    gbif_get_status_id(oConnector, sStatus)
    gbif_get_taxon_info(sGBIF_id, sLevel='species')
    gbif_get_update(oConnector, iLevel)
    gbif_parsing_answer(oConnector, lAnswer, sType)
    gbif_parsing_species(oConnector, dAnswer)
    gbif_save_species(oConnector, dAnswer, iLevel)
    gbif_update(oConnector, dAnswer, iTaxonID)

import re
import requests
from time import sleep

from pygbif import species
from mli.lib.sql import SQL
from mli.lib.str import str_sep_name_taxon

[docs]def gbif_is_lichen(dTaxon): """ Checks if the taxon is a lichen. :param dTaxon: Filed 'result' of answer from gbif. :type dTaxon: dict :return: True if taxon is lichen, and False if opposite. :rtype: bool """ if 'class' in dTaxon and (dTaxon['class'] == 'Lecanoromycetes' or dTaxon['class'] == 'Arthoniomycetes' or dTaxon['class'] == 'Lichinomycetes'): return True if 'order' in dTaxon and (dTaxon['order'] == 'Pyrenulales' or dTaxon['order'] == 'Verrucariales'): return True if 'family' in dTaxon and (dTaxon['family'] == 'Abrothallaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Aphanopsidaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Arthopyreniaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Coniocybaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Naetrocymbaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Sphinctrinaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Strigulaceae' or dTaxon['family'] == 'Thelocarpaceae'): return True if 'genus' in dTaxon and (dTaxon['genus'] == 'Dictyonema' or dTaxon['genus'] == 'Lichenomphalia' or dTaxon['genus'] == 'Multiclavula'): return True return False
[docs]def gbif_get_id_from_gbif(sName, sLevel='species'): """ Looks up a taxon name in the gbif database. :param sName: The name of a taxon. :type sName: str :param sLevel: The rank of a taxon. :type sLevel: str :return: Key ID of the taxon in gbif. :rtype: str """ if not sName: return sLevel = sLevel.upper() PARAMS = { 'q': sName, } URL = '' oSession = requests.Session() oRequest = oSession.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS) lData = oRequest.json() sleep(0.5) if not lData: return for dData in lData: if gbif_is_lichen(dData) and dData['rank'] == sLevel and \ dData['canonicalName'] == str_sep_name_taxon(sName)[0]: return lData[0]['key'] return
[docs]def gbif_get_taxon_info(sGBIF_id, sLevel='species'): """ General information about the taxon by its ID. :param sGBIF_id: A key ID of taxon in gbif. :type: str :param sLevel: A level of the taxon. :type sLevel: str :return: A normalized dictionary of taxon information. :rtype: dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None """ if not sGBIF_id: return sLevel = sLevel.upper() URL = f'{sGBIF_id}' oSession = requests.Session() oRequest = oSession.get(url=URL) dData = oRequest.json() sleep(0.5) if dData['rank'] == sLevel: return gbif_parser_taxon(dData) return
[docs]def gbif_get_synonyms(sGBIF_id): """ Generates an api link for obtaining synonyms from the server and returns a normalized response. :param sGBIF_id: A key ID of taxon in gbif. :type: str :return: A normalized response. :rtype: list[dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None] """ sURL = f'{sGBIF_id}/synonyms' return gbif_get_many(sURL, sGBIF_id)
[docs]def gbif_get_children(sGBIF_id): """ Generates an api link for obtaining children from the server and returns a normalized response. :param sGBIF_id: A key ID of taxon in gbif. :type: str :return: A normalized response. :rtype: list[dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None] """ sURL = f'{sGBIF_id}/children' return gbif_get_many(sURL, sGBIF_id)
[docs]def gbif_get_many(sURL, sGBIF_id): """ Generates an api link for obtaining children from the server and returns a normalized response. :param sURL: An URL for sending to gbif server. :type sURL: str :param sGBIF_id: A key ID of taxon in gbif. :type: str :return: A normalized response. :rtype: list[dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None] """ if not sGBIF_id: return bEndOfRecords = False iOffset = 0 lAnswer = [] oSession = requests.Session() while not bEndOfRecords: PARAMS = { 'limit': 1000, 'offset': iOffset } oRequest = oSession.get(url=sURL, params=PARAMS) dJSON = oRequest.json() sleep(0.5) if type(dJSON) == str: return bEndOfRecords = dJSON['endOfRecords'] iOffset = iOffset + 1000 lData = dJSON['results'] if not lData and bEndOfRecords: return lAnswer if not lData: return for dData in lData: lAnswer.append(gbif_parser_taxon(dData)) return lAnswer
[docs]def gbif_parser_taxon(dData): """ Selects from the server response the information necessary for further processing. :param dData: An answer of server. :type dData: dict :return: Selection from the server response with the necessary information. :rtype: dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None """ sName, sAuthor, iYear = gbif_parser_name(dData['scientificName']) if dData['synonym']: sParent = gbif_parser_name(dData['accepted'])[0] else: sParent = dData['parent'] dAnswer = {'tax_status': dData['taxonomicStatus'], 'synonym': dData['synonym'], 'id': dData['key'], 'rank': dData['rank'], 'parent': sParent, 'name': sName, 'author': sAuthor, 'year': iYear} return dAnswer
[docs]def gbif_parser_name(sString): """ Parsing a name of the taxon separating the canonical name from the name of the author and year, if possible. :param sString: A string with a name of the taxon. :type sString: str :return: A canonical name, an author name and a naming year of the taxon. :rtype: list[str, str, int] """ lResponse = species.name_parser([sString]) sName = '' sAuthor = '' iYear = None for dResponse in lResponse: if 'canonicalName' in dResponse: sName = dResponse['canonicalName'] else: sName = dResponse['scientificName'] if 'bracketAuthorship' in dResponse: sAuthor = f'({dResponse["bracketAuthorship"]}) ' if 'authorship' in dResponse: sAuthor = f'{sAuthor}{dResponse["authorship"]}' if 'year' in dResponse and type(dResponse['year']) == int: iYear = int(dResponse['year']) if not sAuthor: sAuthor = None sleep(0.7) return sName, sAuthor, iYear
[docs]def gbif_get_id(oConnector, sName, sLevelEn): """ Checks if the taxon's id exists in the database, and if it doesn't, it gets it from the site. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param sName: A name of the taxon. :type sName: str :param sLevelEn: A name of the taxon rank in english language. :type sLevelEn: str :return: ID taxon in gbif. :rtype: int """ sGBIF_id = oConnector.sql_get_id('DBIndexes', 'taxon_index', 'id_taxon, id_source', (sName, 12,)) if not sGBIF_id: sGBIF_id = gbif_get_id_from_gbif(sName, sLevelEn) return sGBIF_id
[docs]def gbif_parsing_answer(oConnector, lAnswer, sType): """ Parses the response a list of dictionaries with taxon information. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param lAnswer: A list of dictionaries with taxon information. :type lAnswer: list[dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int]|None] :param sType: The first word to output to the string. It makes sense to indicate either 'Synonym' or 'Children'. :type sType: str :return: None """ if lAnswer: for dAnswer in lAnswer: print(f'{sType}: {dAnswer["parent"]} - {dAnswer["name"]}') gbif_parsing_species(oConnector, dAnswer)
[docs]def gbif_get_update(oConnector, iLevel): """ Allows you to select all names from the database by level, start getting data from gbif and enter information into the database. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param iLevel: ID of a rank in database. :type iLevel: int :return: None """ lRows = oConnector.get_all_by_level(iLevel) sLevelEn = oConnector.get_level_name('level_en_name', iLevel)[0][0] if lRows: for sRow in lRows: bBreak = oConnector.sql_get_id('UpdateTaxonGBIF', 'id', 'id_taxon_sp', (sRow[0],)) if bBreak: continue sGBIF_id = gbif_get_id(oConnector, sRow[1], sLevelEn) dAnswer = gbif_get_taxon_info(sGBIF_id, sLevelEn) if dAnswer: print(f'Name: {sRow[0]}\t{sRow[1]}') gbif_parsing_species(oConnector, dAnswer) lAnswer = gbif_get_children(sGBIF_id) gbif_parsing_answer(oConnector, lAnswer, 'Children') oConnector.insert_row('UpdateTaxonGBIF', 'id_taxon_sp', (sRow[0],)) lRows = oConnector.get_all_by_level(iLevel) for sRow in lRows: bBreak = oConnector.sql_get_id('UpdateTaxonGBIF', 'id', 'id_taxon_sn', (sRow[0],)) if bBreak: continue sGBIF_id = gbif_get_id(oConnector, sRow[1], sLevelEn) lAnswer = gbif_get_synonyms(sGBIF_id) gbif_parsing_answer(oConnector, lAnswer, 'Synonym') oConnector.insert_row('UpdateTaxonGBIF', 'id_taxon_sn', (sRow[0],))
[docs]def gbif_parsing_species(oConnector, dAnswer): """ Specifies whether to make changes to the database. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param dAnswer: A dictionary with information about the taxon. :type dAnswer: dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int] :return: None """ # Exclude taxa with type name SH1169675.09FU if bool('\d', dAnswer['name'])): return # Exclude taxa with missing rank if dAnswer['rank'] == 'UNRANKED': return iLevel = oConnector.get_level_id('level_en_name', (dAnswer['rank'].lower(),))[0][0] bContinue = oConnector.sql_get_id('Taxon', 'id_taxon', 'id_level, taxon_lat_name, author', (iLevel, dAnswer['name'], dAnswer['author'],)) if not bContinue: bContinue = gbif_save_species(oConnector, dAnswer, iLevel) else: gbif_update(oConnector, dAnswer, bContinue) bID = oConnector.sql_get_id('DBIndexes', 'id_db_index', 'id_taxon', (bContinue,)) if not bID: tValues = (bContinue, 12, dAnswer['id'],) oConnector.insert_row('DBIndexes', 'id_taxon, id_source, taxon_index', tValues)
[docs]def gbif_save_species(oConnector, dAnswer, iLevel): """ Saving information about the taxon in database. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param dAnswer: A dictionary with information about the taxon. :type dAnswer: dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int] :param iLevel: The level's ID in database. :type iLevel: int :return: The taxon's ID in database. :rtype: int or bool """ print(f'Insert row - {dAnswer["name"]}') iStatus = gbif_get_status_id(oConnector, dAnswer['tax_status']) iParent = oConnector.get_id_by_name_status((dAnswer['parent'], 1,)) sColumns = 'id_level, id_main_taxon, ' \ 'taxon_lat_name, author, year, id_status' tValues = (iLevel, iParent, dAnswer['name'], dAnswer['author'], dAnswer['year'], iStatus,) return oConnector.insert_row('Taxon', sColumns, tValues)
[docs]def gbif_get_status_id(oConnector, sStatus): """ Returns the status id from the database. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param sStatus: The name of the status, as is customary in gbif. :type sStatus: str :return: the status ID. :rtype: int or bool """ sStatus = sStatus.lower().replace('_', ' ') return oConnector.sql_get_id('TaxonStatus', 'id_status', 'status_name', (sStatus,))
[docs]def gbif_update(oConnector, dAnswer, iTaxonID): """ Updates information in the database about the author and naming year. :param oConnector: An instance of the sqlite database api class. :type oConnector: SQL :param dAnswer: A dictionary with information about the taxon. :type dAnswer: dict[str, bool, str, str, str, str, str, int] :param iTaxonID: The taxon's ID in database. :type iTaxonID: int :return: None """ sName = dAnswer['name'] lContinue = oConnector.sql_get_values('Taxon', 'author, year, id_status, ' 'id_main_taxon', 'taxon_lat_name', (sName,)) if not lContinue[0][0] and dAnswer['author'] and \ dAnswer['tax_status'] == 'ACCEPTED': oConnector.update('Taxon', 'author', 'id_taxon', (dAnswer['author'], iTaxonID,)) print(f'Enter author: {sName} - {dAnswer["author"]}') if dAnswer['year'] and not lContinue[0][1]: oConnector.update('Taxon', 'year', 'id_taxon', (dAnswer['year'], iTaxonID,)) print(f'Enter year: {sName} - {dAnswer["year"]}')
if __name__ == '__main__': pass